Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Daily Spurgeon - January 15, 2013

Quotes by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 - 1892)

"And now, again, is it all in vain?  Will you not now come to Christ? Then what more can I do? I have but one more resort, and that shall be tried; I can be permitted to weep for you.  I can be allowed to pray for you.  You shall scorn the address if you like, you shall laugh at the preacher, you shall call him a fanatic if you will. He will not chide you. He will bring no accusation against you to the Great Judge.  Your offense, so far as he is concerned, is forgiven before it is committed; but you will remember, that the message that you are rejecting this morning  is a message from one who loves you. You will recollect that you may play your soul  away with the Devil, that you may listlessly think it a matter of no impotance, but there lives at least one who is in earnest about your soul, and one who before he came here, wrestled with his God, for strength to preach to you, and who when he has gone from this place will not  forget his hearers of this morning."(Source: Spurgeon's sermon, Compel them to Come in)

"Recommended reading:

You can also listen to an audio recording of The Forgotten Spurgeon on Sermonaudio.com:

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)