Friday, October 11, 2013

The Three Stages of US Martial Law: What Will It Be Like?

The Three Stages of US Martial Law: What Will It Be Like? -

"Stalin did it. Hitler did it. And now Obama has the ability to do it...If you’ve ever wondered what Martial Law in America may look like, then this detailed report will be an eye opener. It explores the ramifications of our current economic and political climate, motivating factors that necessitate a lock-down of America by The-Powers-That-Be, the signs to look for before it happens, implementation, and your life once troops have been deployed."

Recommended reading (my posts)

More Reasons to "Keep the Fedzilla Beast Shut Down!"
This is the Most Dangerous Period in Modern History: Intelligence Insider Update
"Let Every Writer Tell His Own Lies - That's Freedom of the Press!" - Norman Mailer

Further recommended reading:

Sarah Palin: The Feds Are Stockpiling Bullets to Use Against Us! -
What happens When Governments Disarm its Citizens -

Recommened sermon:

When Government Tries to Be God, by Dr. David P. Murray

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)