Excerpt from this article:
A source close to the FBI investigation into the use of Hillary Clinton's private email server says that the IT specialist who worked for Clinton and who has been granted immunity by the Justice Department is revealing key details about how and when Clinton and her aides accessed the server.
The source characterized Bryan Pagliano as a "devastating witness."
Here's the book that can put both Bill and Hillary in prison:
Clinton Cash - The Untold Story Of How Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill And Hillary Rich
For further reading:
Hillary's Got The Nomination In The Bag...Thugs All Over The World Expect Her To Be President - wnd.com
Democrats: Do You Realize Your Votes Don't Matter, Hillary Already Won - thedailysheeple.com
Hillary: America Not Ready for Female POTUS; America: Eh, Just Not You - pjmedia.com
State Dept. Hillary Received $500K in Jewelry from Saudi King - truthrevolt.org
John Bolton: I'd Be in Jail for What Hillary Did - breitbart.com
Orange is the New Black
Liar, Liar Pants On Fire: 27 Hillary Fibs, Obfuscations, and Lies at the Dem Debate
Hillary Clinton Tells Legal Adviser: "Time to Lawyer Up" - truthrevolt.org
Wiggle Room: RNC Video Highlights Hillary's Bare Faced Lies - infowars.com
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Dinesh D'Souza: Hillary's America Trailer