Monday, March 21, 2016

Judge Jeanine's Warning to GOP: "Your Scorn for the Will of the American People is Mindboggling; Be Very, Very Careful!"

Judge Jeanine's Warning to GOP: "Your Scorn for the Will of the American People is Mindboggling; Be Very, Very Careful!" -

Excerpt from this article:

"[Judge Jeanine] followed it up with another striking rant, this time explaining why the Republican Party's mantra has suddenly become that 'Donald Trump must be stopped.' 'Why?' she asks rhetorically:'why would Republicans try to sabotage their own front-runner and risk a Democrat winning the White House?' Her answer, which is absolutely accurate: 'The Republican establishment, elected officials and party leaders are in bed with the Democrats!'
She explained:
'If Hillary wins, nothing is lost for them, it’s business as usual. The lobbyists keep their offices on K Street, the pharmaceutical companies keep paying them, the unions keep adding to their pensions and the lawmakers get their reelection bribes – I mean contributions – while we the underclass work two and three jobs and rack up a debt our children and grandchildren will have to pay for generations!'...Judge Jeanine explained. '[Trump] is beholden to no one. He wins, and it’s game over for the elite.'”

Recommended reading:

To Vote or Not to Vote...For the Donald!
Hillary's Got The Nomination In The Bag...Thugs All Over The World Expect Her To Be President 
Bankers, Council on Foreign Relations Launch Tirade Against Donald Trump -
None Dare Call it Conspiracy [1971], by Gary Allen
Bill Clinton Tells Jeb Bush: "This Trump Thing Will Be Taken Care Of"-

Recommended sermon:
When Government Tries To Be God, by Dr. David P. Murry

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)