Tuesday, March 22, 2016

We Searched Hillary's Emails & Her Relationship With Rothschild/Rockefeller is Now On Full Display

We Searched Hillary's Emails & Her Relationship With Rothschild/Rockefeller is Now On Full Display - thedailysheeple.com

Excerpt from this article:

"Buried in thousands of the former Secretary of State’s emails sent via her personal server, are intimations of her close relationship with the infamous Rothschild banking family and hints for a potential Rockefeller-State partnership. 
Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she would 'love to catch up' — and 'I remain your loyal adoring pal.' Clinton responds “let’s make that happen,” and signs her response, 'Much love, H.' On September 23, 2010, Clinton emailed Lynn Forester de Rothschild (an email chain marked by heavy redaction) saying, 'I was trying to reach you to tell you and Teddy that I asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our full court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going …'
Rothschild responds, thanking Clinton for 'personally reaching out to us,' and adds, 'You are the best, and we remain your biggest fans.'”

Recommended reading:
Hillary's Got The Nomination In The Bag...Thugs All Over The World Expect Her To Be President wnd.com 
None Dare Call it Conspiracy [1971], by Gary Alle
If Hillary Isn't Indicted, The Rule of Law and the Republic are Dead - zerohedge.com
Clinton Cash - The Untold Story Of How Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill And Hillary Rich
Jeb and the Bush Crime Family, by Roger Stone 

Recommended sermon:
When Government Tries To Be God, by Dr. David P. Murry

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)