Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Former Reagan Economic Advisor: "Are We Being Set Up for Genocide?"

Former Reagan Economic Advisor: "Are We Being Set Up for Genocide?" - zerohedge.com

Excerpt from this article:

"By focusing primarily on white heterosexual males, Identity Politics tries to split white women off from white men by the use of the pejorative 'misogynist', but, as the article reports, white women, such as Taylor Swift, are also publicly demonized for their whiteness. Reading this article in The Unz Review reminded me of an article I read last November in a Texas university newspaper that declared white DNA to be an abomination....Anyone who declared homosexuals, blacks, or Jews to be an abomination would be instantly fired, sued, charged with hate crimes and driven so deep into the ground that they would never reemerge."

The following lectures by George S. Whitten, Sr. are on Racism and Slavery. Mr Whitten takes for his text, very appropriately so, Matthew 7:12 (Audio) (a.k.a. "The Golden Rule verse!):

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

Civil War and Reconstruction.
Slavery & Segregation
Differing Viewpoints North and South
Tension in American History Between Salvation and Slavery
The Fugitive Slave Act & Examples of Northern Resistance of Returning Escaped Slaves
Slavery and Racism Conclusion 

For further study...

Prof Who Hoped for 'White Genocide' for Christmas Quits - pjmedia.com
Accidental Racist: What Should Christians Think of This Song? (Accidental Racist), by Pastor Joey Kellet
Origin or 'Races' and Biblical Answer to Racism, by Ken Ham
A Biblical Answer to Racism, by Pastor Kevin Boling
Cleaning Racism Out of South Carolina - Let's Start With Charles Darwin, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)