Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit - Charles Spurgeon

"To the question, 'should one preach doctrine?' the Puritan answer would have been, 'Why? What else is there to preach?' Puritan preachers were not afraid to bring the profoundest theology into the pulpit if it bore on their hearers salvation...doctrinal preaching certainly bores the hypocrite; but it is only doctrinal preaching that will save Christ's sheep. The preacher's job is to proclaim the faith, not to provide entertainment for unbelievers. In other words, to feed the sheep and not amuse the goats." - Dr. J.I. Packer 

Recommended reading:

515810: A Quest for Godliness A Quest for Godliness
By J.I. Packer / Crossway

Contrary to popular opinion, the Puritans were no dour lot. Packer believes there's much we can learn from them about joyous spirituality. Exploring the writings of John Owen, Richard Baxter, Jonathan Edwards, and others, he examines their views on the Bible, Sabbath, spiritual gifts, and more to encourage you to pursue a richer Christian life. 368 pages, softcover from Crossway.

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)