Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quotes for Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quote #1:

"Barack Obama is not the problem. We are! Abortion is. Public schools are. A rotting pop culture is. ...Divorce and homosexual 'marriage' are. Obama has been reelected simply because America, like any nation, will always only get the leaders she deserves. We told God to go to hell a long time ago, and God is now allowing us to see what life is like without him. So lead on, Mr. Obama!" (Emphasis mine)(Source)

Quote #2:

"Dysfunctional families are known for a certain type of boundary problem called triangulation. It goes something like this: Person A is angry at Person B. Person A does not tell Person B. Person A calls Person C and gripes about Person B. Person C enjoys Person A's confidence and listens whenever A wants to play the triangle game. By this time, Person B, feeling lonely, calls C, and in passing, mentions the conflict with A. Person C becomes the confidant of B as well as A. Persons A and B have not resolved their conflict and C has two "friends." - Boundaries, by Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Henry Clouad

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)