Monday, January 27, 2014

Bill Clinton and the Rape that Won't Go Away!

Senator Paul Rand is in the news today, calling former President (and possibly future 'First Man') a sexual predator. Here is an excerpt from this article, Rand Paul: Bill Clinton a Sexual Predator, along with one of the comments on this article:

"Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul calls former President Bill Clinton a sexual predator and says that the media have given him a pass on it."

And one of the comments:

"Absolutely. A review of Bill Clinton's history with women, not just Lewinsky, reveals that he is at best an aggressive womanizer and at worst a rapist. The well documented testimony of several women identifies behavior which can only be described as sexual assault."

If you Google Bill Clinton, you can get a mountain of imformation. Just look at these cool images of the Bill Clinton Library. But if you keep looking, Google also has some negative links about our former president. Here are just a few:

Bill Clinton's Long History of Sexual Violence -
Full Transcript of NBC Dateline Report on Juanita Broaddrick
Bill Clinton has the Real 'Rape' Problem -
What You Won't Find in the Clinton Museum and Library -
Bill and Hilary Clinton: A Life of Violating People -

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)