Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ann Coulter: Racism Card Looking A Little Dog-Eared

Ann Coulter - August 14, 2013 - RACISM CARD LOOKING A LITTLE DOG-EARED:

"Do liberals have any arguments for their idiotic ideas besides calling their opponents "racist"? The two big public policies under attack by the left this week are "stop-and-frisk" policing and voter ID laws. Democrats denounce both policies as racist. I'm beginning to suspect they're getting lazy in their arguments. Stop-and-frisk was a crucial part of the package of law enforcement measures implemented by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani that saved the city. Under David Dinkins, who preceded Giuliani, murders averaged about 2,000 a year. There were 714 murders in New York the year Giuliani left office. Continuing Giuliani's policing techniques, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's New York had only 419 murders last year."

Recommenced reading:

Bill Cosby: Zimmerman Aquittal Not About Race
Alex Jones Bull Hornes the Ku Klux Klan
Listen to Ted Nugent's Fiery Response to Stevie Wonder's Boycott of Florida Over Zimmerman Verdict

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)