Excerpt from this article:
"Christian college officials are defending their school’s controversial decision to invite a lesbian faith leader to lecture students this month, claiming that they have no plans to reconsider the invitation and that people cannot be 'guided and dictated by a first-century worldview.'” (emphasis mine)
It is interesting to find this article appearing in theblaze.com, which is run by Glen Beck, a Mormon. Similar articles appeared about a year ago when Liberty University - founded by the late Dr. Jerry Falwell - invited Glen Beck to speak to its students (see Glen Beck Preaches Mormon Theology At Liberty University)
The Mormon religion is based on the idea that shortly after the apostles died, the church became apostate - and stayed apostate until Joseph Smith claimed to receive a vision telling his to reestablish the true church.
Either Joseph Smith was telling the truth and all the churches today - including those who send their kids to Liberty University - are apostate and going to hell unless they convert to Mormonism. Or else or Lord Jesus was telling the truth when he said to Peter:
"Thou art Peter and upon this rock (Peter's confession that Jesus was the Christ the Son of the living God) I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:13-18)
Church history is rife with examples of people who fail to live up to their beliefs. Many of these were (and are!) Christian in name only and Jesus promised he would deal with them on judgment day (See Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 25:31-46).
But in reference to the article at the beginning of this post, there are still those who are preaching the 'theology of the first century.' Pastor Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) was one of them. Here is a quote about Pastor Spurgeon:
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Why Should You Welcome a Same Sex Couple to Your Church?
What Do Dr. Tim LaHaye and Glen Beck Have in Common? & "Left Behind: It's A Money Scheme Now, And It's Evil!"
Rob Bell To Oprah: Church Is Moments Away From Embracing Same Sex Marriage
Podcast; Already Compromised: Why Christian Liberal Arts Universities Are Liberal, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
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