Saturday, October 21, 2017

Crypto Currency Calm Before the Storm: Governments Are Studying it to Find a Way to Control it - And You!

Crypto Currency Calm Before the Storm: "Governments Are Studying it to Find a Way to Control it - And You!" -

Excerpt from this article:

"The Cryptocurrencies arose out of a desire to use something other than the dollar and other failing fiat notes not backed by anything.  The irony is that the Cryptocurrencies are the vehicle for the globalists....If politicians steal money now, while cash still exists, think of how much they’ll be able to steal when everything is done electronically…when all the bankers and oligarchs are under their control/in a symbiotic-parasitic relationship and they can pass any law they wish.  Cryptocurrency is a scam that will eventually lead to the final enslavement of the U.S." (My emphasis)

Recommended podcast:

Cryptocurrencies, Greed,  and Federal Reserve - Is Bitcoin a Big Ponzi Scheme?, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

Recommended video:
Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme, Corruption Explained In Cartoon

Of course, if you really want the skinny on cryptocurrencies, go to the experts, like Dilbert! Here is a link to some of his recent cartoons: Dilbert

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)