Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Today in the News - Tuesday, October 17, 2017

National and World News
Shock Report: FBI Uncovers Confirmation of Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Uranium Deal With Russia - breitbart.com
Ron Paul: President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran - lewrockwell.com
Gary North: The Budget Cut That Would Restore Our Liberty - lewrockwell.com
Dow Hits 23,000 - There's Just One Thing - zerohedge.com
Bachmann Wars: GOP Doomed Unless it Adopts Trump Agenda - wnd.com
8 Reasons 'Transgenderism' is Politics, Not Science - wnd.com
Open a Criminal Investigation of Barack Hussein Obama - canadafreepress.com
NBC: Socialism is the Key to Happiness - truthrevolt.org
Hillary Supports Sexual Victims - Except Bill's - truthrevolt.org 
Patrick Buchanan: Is War With Iran Now Inevitable? - cnsnews.com
News on You Tube
Paul Joseph Watson: Las Vegas Massacre: What They're Not Telling You - infowar.coo
Lies My Liberal History Teacher Told Me
Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme, Corruption Explained in Cartoon
Highly Contagious "Black Death" Killing People - What You Need to Know - Lisa Haven
How NAFTA Will Implement Agenda 21/ 2030 - The John Birch Society
Christians Podcasts from Sermonaudio.com
(Note - you can download any of the following podcasts for free. Just search for the title, followed by the speakers name, and then clicking on the download link)
Podcasts by, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Hollywood - The Gloss Tarnishing Badly - Weinstein, Woody Allen, Polanski
Why Effeminate Men Are Shameful - Effeminancy = Homosexuality Lite 
Six Days and the Eisegesis Problem

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)