Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Today in the News - Tuesday, October 24, 2017

National and World News
Clinton Cash: Report: Russia Investigation Targets Podesta - breitbart.com
Timeline: Uranium Exec. Gave $31 Million to Clinton Foundation, Russian Bank Paid $500,000 to Bill Clinton - cnsnews.com
Nationwide Veggie Recall Now Includes Target, Walmart - newser.com
Mueller's Actions: Is it Wise to Have Special Prosecutors? - thenewamerican.com
Professor Claims Math, Algebra and Geometry Promote 'White Privilege' - dailycaller.com
JFK Assassination Files: The Inside Story Gov. Connolly Told Celente - lewrockwell.com
Ron Paul: Trump's Fed Picks? More of the Same - lewrockwell.com
Jacob B. Hornberger: I Predict Trump Will Continue  the CIA's JFK Assassination Cover-Up - lewrockwell.com
Mueller Investigates Podesta - americanthinker.com
A Communist Utopia (Funded by Capitalism) - zerohedge.com
Good Question: Where Were All the Leakers/ Reporters on the Uranium One Scandal? - twitchy.com
Many Millennials Are Rejecting Christianity and Turning to Witchcraft and Astrology - pjmedia.com
Man Acquitted of Raping Wife Because He Thought He Could - truthrevolt.org 
Christians Podcasts from Sermonaudio.com
(Note - you can download any of the following podcasts for free. Just search for the title, followed by the speakers name, and then clicking on the download link)
Podcasts by, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Worst Fires, Worst Floods, Worst Government - California Leads the Nation 
Jack Phillips Before the Supreme Court - The Religious Liberties Case of the Century
Reaching "Peak Campus Insanity" - Inmates Are Officially Running the Asylum 
Should You Support Your Son's Piercings? - When Eli's Sons Come Out 
Six Days and the Eisegesis Problem
Miscellaneous podcasts
Why Martin Luther Objected to Indulgences, by Rev. Robert McEvoy
Pornography and Same Sex Attractions, by Lee and Shea Preston

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)