Friday, March 22, 2013

‘Freight Train’ of Pro-Life Bills Overwhelms Abortionists

‘Freight train’ of pro-life bills overwhelms abortionists:

"There is panic among abortion advocates over what has been described as a freight train of pro-life proposals in North Dakota coming at them faster than they can respond, so their answer has been a flood of misinformation, according to pro-lifers. 'What is happening in North Dakota is significant for the pro-life movement,' said Gualberto Garcia Jones, an attorney for Personhood USA. 'The pro-abortion crowd is about to be [run] over by a pro-life train and they are afraid they will be unable to stop it.'"

Recommended reading/ viewing:

Would it Bother Us More if they Used Guns?
Abortion: The Hard Truth Video
First Day at the Abortuary, by Tony Miano
An Encounter With LAPD Outside the Abortuary, by Tony Miano

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)