Friday, March 22, 2013

Why We May Be Closer to Armageddon Than "Experts" Will Admit

Why we may be closer to Armageddon than "Experts" will admit | Peace . Gold . Liberty:

"I believe the United States is closer to thermonuclear war that at any time in our history, infinitely closer than the Cuban Missile Crisis. Here is why. The IMF showdown with the Banks in Cyprus is actually a financial attack on the Russian elites, many of whom are top level military or former KGB. Putin has attacked the IMF's policies in this matter. The draconian sanctions on Iran and North Korea are attacks on countries that are either clients or suppliers to China and Russia. It is not lost lost on the leaders of North Korea and Iran that "playing ball" with the West and the UN gets you killed, while Israel gets a pass on pretty much everything. This coupled with the embrace of "preemptive war" by Israel and the US provides the perfect excuse for a "Pearl Harbor" attack on the US and Israel."

Recommended reading (my post):

The Things Which Must Soon Come to Pass
The Roman Road to Salvation

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)