Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"For in Six Days the Lord Created the Heavens and the Earth" - Exodus 20:11

 The 'God Particle,' or as scientist call it, Higgs Boson, is in the news again today (see New Evidence Strengthens Case that Scientists Have Discovered a Higgs Boson ). It has been called The God Particle  because some believe it is what caused the 'Big Bang' to occur some 15 billion years ago.

Perhaps some definitions are in order:

Big Bang Theory: "In the begining there was nothing. Then nothing exploded, and created everything we see." That is the Big Bang theory in a nut shell.

Higgs Boson (aka The God Particle):  Is the 'Nothing' that exploded!

Or something like that!

I believe in the Big Bang, and it's not a theory. Some time around 6 to 10 thousand years ago, God Spoke, and "Bang!" everything we see came into existence!  Actually, while God could have done that in less than a second, he chose to take 6 literal, 24-hour days to do it.

Before you laugh that off, why don't you listen to Ken Ham talk about this very important - and fascinating - subject (I think you may find this podcast more interesting than the above article on the God Particle!):

Six Days & Eisegesis Problem

Recommended reading:

Evolution: A Fairy Tale for Grown Ups, by Ray Comfort
Cold Fusion: Nuclear Energy without the Drama (my post/repost)
Already Compromised: Why Christian Liberal Arts Universities are Liberal, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)