Monday, November 18, 2013

HuffPost: Halt All Housing Construction to Stop Climate Change

HuffPost: Halt All Housing Construction to Stop Climate Change -

Excerpt from this article:

"Left-wing proposals to stop climate change are often ridiculous and extreme, but Huffington Post contributor Lance Hosey’s 'modest' proposal was downright laughable. Hosey, an architect and chief sustainability officer, decried the impact that building construction has on carbon dioxide emissions and climate change. In order to limit such pollution, on Nov. 14 Hosey advocated a nationwide moratorium on new buildings for 'a few years.'”

And we should kill all the dairy and beef cattle in the world, because when they poop and fart they release dangerous methane into the atmosphere, and that is going to cause the world to explode someday!

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It's Not Just Winter, It's a New Ice Age
More than 60 Reported Tornadoes Hit the Midwest

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)