Sunday, February 9, 2014

American Psychos: The Funniest Thing Happened When We Bombed Those Innocent People!

Headline:  American Psychos: The Funniest Thing Happened When We Bombed Those Innocent People! -

Excerpt from this article:

"If you had any remaining doubt that the leaders of this country are pure psychopaths, this video will put it to rest.  In a series of revolting displays, American officials seem to find great humor in the death and pain of others.  Isn’t it funny to watch the suffering of torture victims? Aren’t WMDs and bombs just the funniest thing ever?  Hilarity ensues when children are being killed by drones…oh my gosh, stop, our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. Crimes against humanity are just so darned amusing."

Top Ten Jobs that Attract Most Psychopaths -
If you had any remaining doubt that the leaders of this country are pure psychopaths, this video will put it to rest.
In a series of revolting displays, American officials seem to find great humor in the death and pain of others.  Isn’t it funny to watch the suffering of torture victims? Aren’t WMDs and bombs just the funniest thing ever?  Hilarity ensues when children are being killed by drones…oh my gosh, stop, our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. Crimes against humanity are just so darned amusing.
- See more at:
If you had any remaining doubt that the leaders of this country are pure psychopaths, this video will put it to rest.
In a series of revolting displays, American officials seem to find great humor in the death and pain of others.  Isn’t it funny to watch the suffering of torture victims? Aren’t WMDs and bombs just the funniest thing ever?  Hilarity ensues when children are being killed by drones…oh my gosh, stop, our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. Crimes against humanity are just so darned amusing.
- See more at:
If you had any remaining doubt that the leaders of this country are pure psychopaths, this video will put it to rest.
In a series of revolting displays, American officials seem to find great humor in the death and pain of others.  Isn’t it funny to watch the suffering of torture victims? Aren’t WMDs and bombs just the funniest thing ever?  Hilarity ensues when children are being killed by drones…oh my gosh, stop, our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. Crimes against humanity are just so darned amusing.
- See more at:

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)