Exerpt from this article:
"The definition of martial law is simple: The suspension of The Constitution. Once the administration decides that the people are almost at the point of rioting, the troops will hit the streets."
Recommended reading:
Congress Grants Obama 'Free Reign for Matial Law'- dailysheeple.com
Sarah Palin: The Feds Are Stockpiling Bullets to Use Against Us - politico.com
YOU Have Been Targeted for Internment and Resettlement - shtfplan.com
A 60-Second Seminar on Conspiracy Theory (my post)
The dThe definition of martial law is simple: The
suspension of The Constitution. Once the administration decides that the people are almost at the
point of rioting, the troops will hit the streets.efinition of martial law is simple: The suspension of The Constitution.
Once the administration decides that the people are almost at the point of rioting, the troops will hit the streets.- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/surviving-martial-law_022014#sthash.tH00xXG1.dpuf
The definition of martial law is simple: The suspension of The Constitution.
Once the administration decides that the people are almost at the point of rioting, the troops will hit the streets.- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/surviving-martial-law_022014#sthash.tH00xXG1.dpuf
The definition of martial law is simple: The suspension of The Constitution.
Once the administration decides that the people are almost at the point of rioting, the troops will hit the streets.- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/surviving-martial-law_022014#sthash.tH00xXG1.dpuf
The definition of martial law is simple: The suspension of The Constitution.
Once the administration decides that the people are almost at the point of rioting, the troops will hit the streets.- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/surviving-martial-law_022014#sthash.tH00xXG1.dpuf