Friday, April 29, 2016

Ann Coulter: A Slow Talker and a Homeless Guy Walk into a Bar...

Ann Coulter: A Slow Talker and a Homeless Guy Walk into a Bar -

Excerpt from this article:

"...The more people see of [Trump], the more they like him. The usual pattern is: Trump says something perfectly sensible, the media lie about it, then voters find out the truth and like him more and the media less. Ironically, it's Kasich who has been complaining the loudest about the alleged billions of dollars of "free media" Trump has been getting. It turns out not getting "free media" was a godsend for Kasich and Cruz."

Recommended reading:

Anything by Ann Coulter! Here is an excerpt from Never Trust a Liberal Over 3 (Especially A Republican!):

"Since arriving in Canada I've been accused of thought crimes, threatened with criminal prosecution for speeches I haven't yet given, and denounced on the floor of parliament (which was nice because that one was on my 'bucket list')."

Recommended videos:

Ann Coulter: Obama & Holder Turned Ferguson Into 'Another 9/11'
Ann Coulter Vs. Megyn Kelly on Fox News: "Anyone Who is Not White" 

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)