Monday, April 25, 2016

TPP - Trilateralist Power Politics

TPP - Trilateralist Power Politics -

Excerpt from this article:

"Although the anti-TPP forces of the Left are wrong on many points — especially when it comes to alternatives and solutions, which always seem to involve more government intervention (i.e., more socialism) — they are correct in seeing the TPP as a “sellout to Wall Street.” However, “Wall Street” is not synonymous with, nor should it be confused with, free market capitalism. The Wall Street moguls and corporate behemoths that worked behind closed doors with the Bush and Obama administrations to fashion the TPP are not free marketeers; they are properly called “state capitalists” or corporatist/fascists. They promote Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), not open competition in the marketplace. They rely on these corrupt, special partnerships with government to provide themselves with subsidies, contracts, favors, and privileges — at the taxpayers’ expense."

Recommended reading:

Why Isn't the CFR on the 2016 Ballot?

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)