Thursday, January 2, 2014

White House Nightmare: Eligibility Case Still Alive

White House Nightmare: Eligibility Case Still Alive -

Excerpt from this article:

"File on appeal almost a year ago, a legal challenge to Obama's eligibility remains lurking in the hallways and offices of the Alabama Supreme Court, where at least 2 of the justices have already indicated an interest in the truth about the much fought over compliance by Barack Obama with the Constitution's absolute requirement that the president be a natural born citizen."


Recommended reading:
Download a Copy of the "Sheriff's Kit" and See For Yourself If Obama's Birth Certificate is Legit

Filed on appeal almost a year ago, a legal challenge to Obama’s eligibility remains lurking in the hallways and offices of the Alabama Supreme Court, where at least two of the justices already have indicated an interest in the truth about the much-fought over compliance by Barack Obama with the Constitution’s absolute requirement that the president be a natural-born citizen.

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 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)