Monday, February 3, 2014

South Sudan Conflict: 3.7 Million in Need of Food

South Sudan Conflict: 3.7 Million in Need of Food, UN Says -

Excerpt from this article:

"The UN's humanitarian co-ordinator in South Sudan Toby Lanzer told the BBC $1.3bn (£790m) was needed to deal with the crisis.  Violence broke out in South Sudan on 15 December, starting as violence between rival army factions.  It has now killed thousands of people and displaced around 860,000."


I don't have a "Donate" button on My Gospel Project. That is because I don't ask for - or accept - any donations. And I don't have any ads on this site. But while I don't want any donations for myself, I do ask my readers to donate to various causes that I believe  in. For example,, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, & Wycliffe Bible Translators.

When Typhoon Hiayan hit the Philippians, I ran several posts asking people to consider donating to the relief effort in that country (see: Typhoon Hiayan Aftermath: People Walking Around Like Zombies ...Looking For  Food).  My church supports a missionary in one of the areas hardest hit by Typhoon Hiayan, and so I was privy to timely reports of what was going on soon after the typhoon hit.

One of the things our missionary reported was that there was a lot of corruption in the Philippians government, and much of the money and food sent to the Philippians did not make it to the people effected by the typhoon, but rather ended up in the hands of the government.

Not long after Typhoon Hiayan hit the Philippians, another man I know flew from the Philippians to the United States. Without even telling him what my church's missionary said he told me that much of the food and money sent to the Philippians would likely never get to the people who need it the most. It would be skimmed off by corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and military personal (See Philippian corruption Magnifies Effects of Typhoon Hiayan).

I bring this up because I want to ask my readers to consider donating to the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. But don't just write a check to the first organization that says they are going to help. Do your research.  Here is a good place to start: Christian South Sudan: Headed for Civil War - Millions Already Dead in Decades Long Violence Also Involving Muslim North -

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)