Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Matt Drudge Not the Problem, Mr. Cruz

Matt Drudge Not the Problem, Mr. Cruz - canadafreepress.com

Excerpt from this article:

"Rather than coming out on the attack against Matt Drudge, Senator Ted Cruz should endeavor to be more like him.  Conservative to the core, feisty at heart and relentlessly independent.  That’s Matt Drudge, and that’s why untold millions go daily to the Drudge Report.
'I need no traffic from Google. I don’t care if I get one traffic referral from Google or Bing or Yahoo or any of these others… Everybody’s so hungry for referrals, for likes. I don’t need to be liked,' Matt Drudge told Alex Jones in October. (Breitbart Oct, 7 2016)"

Recommended reading:

Michael Savage to Cruz: Renounce Rigged Election
Latest Ted Cruz Cover: Do You Believe There's Anything To This?

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)