Monday, May 11, 2020

Bible Reading for Tuesday, May 11, 2020

Why don't you join me in my daily Bible reading? Each day, in addition to posting the new reading assignment, I also post links to related sermons. The websites that I use to guide me through these readings is, and]

For today, read:

I Samuel 10-13 (Audio)

King Saul, Was He Saved? by Rev. Colin Mercer [Text: I Samuel 10]
The Crucible of Jabesh-Gilead, by Rev. Colin Mercer [Text: I Samuel 11]
Indebtedness to God, by Rev. Colin Mercer [Text: I Samuel 12]
Jonathan's Military Exploits, by Rev. John Saewtelle [Text: I Samuel 13]

The Miracle of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, by Dr. Alan Cairns [Text: John 6]
If Any Man Thirst, by Rev. William McCrea [Text: John 7]

Psalm 107 & 108 (Audio)

Burning Love, by Dr. Alan Cairns [Text: Psalm 107]

Here is a hymn based on Psalm 107:

Proverbs 15:1-4 (Audio)

The Eyes of the Lord, by Dr. Brian DeVries [Text: Proverbs 15]

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)