Saturday, February 23, 2013

Barack Obama: The Liar’s Liar

Barack Obama: the Liar’s Liar - The New American

"If I had to credit Barack Obama with one thing, it would be knowing his market. He understands that with an America so dumbed-down, and a media so prostrate before him, he can get away with lies previous presidents wouldn’t dare contemplate. A good example — but far from the worst — is the current battle over sequestration, a fancy word for fantasy budget cuts. Obama has been engaging in demagoguery, blaming Republicans for these impending “cuts,” calling them “brutal” and a “meat cleaver” approach. What is the truth? Sequestration was Obama’s idea."

'via Blog this'

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)