Monday, February 18, 2013

The Cambrian Explosian - The Evolutionist's Worst Nightmare!

I recently watched a You Tube video titled: History of the World in 2 Hours.  Since this video started off talking about the Big Bang theory, I decided to take that opportunity to blog about it (See The Big Bang Theory - Debunked!).

In this post I am going to take on another part of this video where they talk about the "Cambrian Explosion."   Here is how the History of the World in 2 Hours  portrays The Cambrian Explosion:

"Five hundred and fifty million years ago as the planet was celebrating its 4 billionth birthday, oxygen levels in the atmosphere have risen from next to nothing to as much as 13%.  Take a deep breath because life on earth is about to go wild. This is the Cambrian Explosion, biology's version of the Big Bang. Right after you get oxygen, you get size and complexity, and oxygen lets you do that. It's in this breath taking span of roughly 30 million years that most of the major animal groups evolve. By 500 million years ago the first bony fish evolve in the seas. These fish are our direct ancestors." (Emphasis mine).

Evolutionist would have you believe that life on earth can be portrayed as a tree, with all life coming from a single ancestor. They refer to this as the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA).  Here is how Wikipedia describes this:

"The last universal common the most recent organism from which all organisms now living on earth descended."

The Cambrian Explosion totally destroys the myth of LUCA. Life on earth can be represented by a tree, but only one that is upside down. What the Cambrian Explosion says is that most (all!) forms of life came into existence at the same time. That is not what you would expect to see if evolution were true.

And the fossil record totally supports the biblical account of creation. There is no evidence anywhere that shows how a fish evolved into a bird or a monkey evolved into a man.

For more information on the fossil record, check out:

What Does the Fossil Record Teach Us About Evolution?

Also, check out my most recent post on the creation/evolution controversy:

The Big Bang Theory - Debunked!

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)