Sunday, February 17, 2013

Does Obama Tell America to "Serve Satan?" A Very Creepy Video!

I agree with the producer of this YouTube video that this is probably a coincidence. But still, well, let's just say it's creepy. Especially when you compare this video with another recent video  showing actor Jamie Foxx telling his audience that we need to "Give honor to God, and to our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama."

You can check out both videos by clicking on the following links:

Obama Tells America to "Serve Satan" - This Will Floor You

Jamie Foxx: "Give Honor to God, and to Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama

Recommended reading (my posts):

Is Obama the AntiChrist? I Say Yes!
Lightening Strikes St. Peter's After Pope's Announcement

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)