Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is it True that '90% of Dairy Workers in Idaho Are Illegal?'

90% of State's Dairy Workers Illegal? - WND News


"[US Rep. from Idaho] Labrador adds, 'There is no visa for them to be able to work here and nobody else will do those jobs.' WND reported in 2005 on an analysis that indicated those types of jobs actually may be open because of low wages caused by illegal immigration. The report by investment firm Bear Stearns showed that between four and six million U.S. jobs had shifted from the legal work force to the underground since 1990, 'as employers have systematically replaced American workers with lower wage illegal aliens.' ...Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minuteman Project, told WND when the recession hit in 2008 that America can no longer afford to operate under the assumption that only immigrants would be willing to do low-wage work. In hard times, many citizens will be looking for any job they can find."

I grew up on a dairy farm, and worked many years on dairy farms after I dropped out of high school. Some of the men (and women) I worked with were in the country illegally, but certainly not 90%. That never bothered men then. Most of the people I worked with were in this country for one reason - to work! And many sent much of their earnings to their family in Mexico and other central and Latin American countries.

In more recent years I've met people who were in this country for less noble reasons, but I have nothing but respect for the guys (and gals) I used to work with on the farms.

Recommended reading (my post):

What is the Meaning of 'Not in the Labor Force?'
The Great Betrayal: How American Sovereignty and Social Justice are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of the Global Economy

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)