Saturday, November 2, 2013

Washington Cathedral: "Church of Anything Goes"

Washington Cathedral: "Church of Anything Goes" -

Excerpt from this article:

“At the Washington National Cathedral, the Very Rev. Gary Hall announced last Sunday that he had discovered a sin unknown to hundreds of churchmen before him. ‘We must now have the courage to … call homophobia and heterosexism what they are,’ he said. ‘They are sins. Homophobia is a sin. Heterosexism is a sin. Shaming people for whom they love is a sin.’"

 Here are 2 podcasts that touch on this very touchy subject (no pun intended!). I call these 2 speakers The Man of Steel (pastor Kevin Swanson) and The Woman of Velvet (college student Pricilla Del Aguila). Both are opposed to homosexuality because they believe - rightly so - that the Bible (and the Bible's Author, God) is opposed to it.

But they take a slightly different perspective on the topic (Hence why I call them The Man of Steel and the Woman of Velvet!)

Pastor Kevin Swanson: Why Persecution is Coming to the Church in America
Pricilla Del Aguila: No Tips for Gays
“At the Washington National Cathedral, the Very Rev. Gary Hall announced last Sunday that he had discovered a sin unknown to hundreds of churchmen before him. ‘We must now have the courage to … call homophobia and heterosexism what they are,’ he said. ‘They are sins. Homophobia is a sin. Heterosexism is a sin. Shaming people for whom they love is a sin.’
“Mr. Hall, dean of Washington’s most prominent Episcopal church, criticized the role that some churches have played in oppressing young lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgendered youth. ‘It is not only just OK to be gay, straight, bisexual or transgendered,’ he said. ‘It is good to be that way, because that is the way God has made you.’”
That absolutely astounding theological and biological conjecture surely raises the question: Why has Dean Hall limited God’s (alleged) alternative sexual creationism to homosexual, bisexual and transsexual?
Why has the Very Rev. Hall neglected to proclaim God’s allegedly and determined creating of advocates of polygamy, polyandry, pedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality?


Recommended reading (my posts):

Why Welcome a Same Sex Couple to Your Church?

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)