Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ben Carson: Trump Should Apologize for Being a Birther

Ben Carson: Trump Should Apologize for Being a Birther -

Excerpt from this article:

"[CNN] Host Jake Tapper noted, 'As a factual matter, President Obama was born in the United States. Do you think it’s time for Donald Trump to acknowledge all that birther nonsense was all a mistake and to apologize so that African-American voters, to whom he’s reaching out, might be more willing to listen to his message?' 'I think that would be a good idea, absolutely...' responded Carson...”

CNN also believes the there is no evidence Hillary Clinton committed any crimes - or told any lies - ever! Rather than apologize for being a "Birther", I would suggest that Donald Trump put his vast fortune where his mouth is and offer - Oh, let's say, $500,000,000 - to any individual or firm that can conclusively put this matter to rest. And by all means, open the competition up to the whole world!

Maybe all this 'birther' stuff is just nonsense and a lot of people need to apologize to Mr. Obama. Or, maybe it is true, and Barack Obama needs to go to prison.

One thing is for sure. If a person (or business) could earn $500,000,000 by just proving - or disproving - the legality of President Obama's birth certificate, you would get some of the smartest people on the planet taking a 'closer look' at the whole 'birther' issue!

Recommended reading:

Sheriff Joe Launches into Obama's Birth Certificate...Again! ("After 55 Years in Law Enforcement I Know a Fraudulent Document") -
Barack Obama's Citizenship Scandal: 7 Facts About Birth Certificate Controversy- 

More Recommended reading:

Letter to Donald Trump
Why Blacks Should Give Trump a Chance

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 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)