Friday, September 2, 2016

Losing the Internet One Month Before the Election

Losing the Internet One Month Before the election -

Excerpt from this article:

"We should take seriously all the bombs Barack Hussein Obama plans to toss in our path on his way out of the door.... Next big bombshell coming down the pike at America:  At midnight September 30, Obama will cut off the access of millions to the Internet by abdicating Internet stewardship over to the control of the United Nations. In other words, Obama will turn the Internet over to the only world body that is more corrupt than Obama and the Clinton Foundation, and the one with octopus arms already choking the life out of Western society." (my emphasis)

Here are some news stories we may not have been allowed to see if it were not for the Internet: 

The FEMA List of Presidential Executive Orders -
Drudge: 'Homeland Security to Take Charge of Elections' -
A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate Presidential Election -
Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium -
Pentagon Has Lost $6.5 Trillion Dollars -
Pence: Media Parse Trump's Every Word, Ignore What the Clintons Have Been Doing for the Past 30
US General: Obama's Military Purge is 'Criminal and Treasonous' -
UN Announces Support for Obama's Nationalization of Police - 
Gary North: Clinton Pay-to-Play and Google -
Matt Drudge: 'Clinton Cash' One of the Scariest Movies I've Seen -
Threat of Nuclear War is Not 'Fear Porn': US Moves Nukes Closer to Russia as Tensions Rise -
Hillary's Trail of Death Protected by Mainstream Media -
Washington Blog: Top NSA Official's Reaction to 9/11: "9/11 is a Gift to the NSA. We're Gonna Get all the Money We Need, and Then Some."..."We'll Milk This Cow for 15 Yeara!" -

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)