Tuesday, September 6, 2016

An Education: Bill Clinton's $18 Million Cash-In Started With A State Department Dinner Invitation

An Education: Bill Clinton's $18 Million Cash-In Started With A State Department Dinner Invitation - hotair.com

Excerpt from this article:

"How did the Clintons earn $57.5 million during the four years that Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State? Higher education, folks, higher education — specifically, for-profit higher education that turned out very profitable for Bill Clinton. For the price of an invitation to am official State Department dinner in 2009, Bill landed a contract to serve as 'honorary chancellor' to Laureate International Universities, and received almost $18 million from 2010 to 2015..."

Recommended reading:

Gary North: Clinton Pay-To-Play and Google - lewrockwell.com
Pence: Media Parse Trump's Every Word, Ignore What Clintons Have Been Doing for Past 30 Years
Clinton Henchman Says  Clinton Foundation Critics Will Burn in Hell - canadafreepress.com
Hillary's Trail of Death Protected by Mainstream Media
Clinton Statagist: Government Needs to Assassinated Julian Assange - mediaequalizer.com
Julian Assange: 'Next Wikileaks Dump Will Get Hillary Indicted' [Video] - thedailysheeple.com
The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation: What if Chelsea Clinton Turned 'State's Evidence?'

How I Found Christ?

 How I Found Christ? by Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)